Silence Is Golden
Greetings wonderful world of blogging! I’m pretty new to this although I’m quite adept to reading blogs. Oh yes, I really enjoy reading the one thousand to one kinds of posts posted by bloggers from all over world! Bear with me as I try to get the hang of this and hope to use this site to interact with others on similar interests, hobbies, ideas, etc. Well, already I am excited about this whole new thing!!
I am not sure how this blogging is going to work, so I am giving it a try. :)
Its Thursday and soon the weekend is here. I had just had my lunch, which I took in the office, and suddenly I realised that it is all silence around me. I looked to my left and my colleague is taking a nap. How nice to be able to take a nap in a sitting position. She has been taking the afternoon breaks for a short nap. I prefer to surf the net or do stitchery works (which I often carry with me). I could concentrate better with my stitchery works with minimal disturbance. Well, its okay to have the silence afterall.
Labels: Greetings