Happy Father's Day
In my younger days, between the age of 7 to 18 years old, I used to tug along with my father and watched him carrying out his interests and hobbies in and around the house. He enjoyed wild animal hunting, fishing and farming when he was off-duty. He also was quite an expert in blacksmith job and today we still have the knives and meat choppers that he made many years ago. Because I was always with him, my father nicknamed me "tom-girl". I still like this name because I am quite capable of doing DIY jobs in and around the house with blacksmith works and handling a gun out of the list! To remember my father by and by, I specially dedicate this little poem for him.
Dad you always knew the tools to use, when they all seemed like a hammer to me.
You fixed my red wagon when the wheel fell off.
You fixed my tricycle and added a bell.
You fixed the tree house ladder.
You fixed my broken sail boat mast and gave it a new rudder.
You fixed my bikes flat tire.
You fixed my broken tape deck.
You fixed the broken T.V.
Dad you always seemed to be there, when I needed you most.
You always knew what tool to use, and showed me which to use.

Source: click here
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