Go Ahead and Waste Your Time
Since a couple of weeks I have not been very productive at work. While working on my desktop computer I would be nodding away and gotten sleepy or at times just staring at the screen and day dream! I have been very disoriented and disorganized. I think it’s because I am having too many multi-tasks to do everyday. There's the grandkids to baby-sit, the workload at home and in the office and countless errands to handle. I don’t get enough sleep and in the morning I would be caught dozing away and day dreaming. Just couldn't help it at times. Sorry Boss!
Well, there are hidden benefits of all that avoiding, procrastinating and dithering. I read an article about the good news about wasting your time.
Day-dreaming might feel like the ultimate waste of time, but it’s just the opposite. Recent research from Dartmouth college suggests that during day-dreaming, your brain may actually be processing important issues that aren’t relevant at that immediate moment – anything from strategizing about tonight’s dinner to wondering about your child’s mysterious bug bite. So forgive yourself for spacing out during that boring meeting: though you may not even be aware of it, you’ve got other things in your mind.
Napping does a mind and body good. A 15 to 20 minutes snooze can make you more alert and energized, and improve your stamina, and longer naps can even help you learn and retain information better, according to researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. That’s all the excuse you need to rest those drooping eyelids for a minute.
Well, it's okay to feel lousy at times... just go ahead and waste your time....
Labels: Day Dreaming